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IQRA path

Although there are obvious differences between Eastern and Western philosophical traditions, there is a surprising convergence in the vision of freedom as the realization of a deeper inner truth. All cultures recognize that true freedom goes beyond the mere absence of external constraints, and is a profound journey of self-discovery.
We are a vital breath that becomes an incarnate word. We are cosmic energy within a physical body. We are spirit even before being matter and we constantly yearn for something greater: the expansion of our essence. Personal growth includes various aspects as growth is anything that involves an increase in our knowledge, cognitive or motor skills, longitudinal or transversal competencies and so on. At the same time, spiritual growth is a constant work of personal growth but requires much deeper and more conscious processing that involves our inner spirit and our beliefs.
When the increase in knowledge is combined with the search for an inner expansion that is in harmony with our feelings and the laws of the universe, then we can also talk about spiritual growth. The latter is about finding a deeper meaning in life. It is a journey that leads us to explore who we truly are, our connection to the world and our purpose in life. Spiritual growth is an inner journey, a path that helps us discover deeper meaning and a connection with the divine.
Our Modules

Curated Modules for Optimal Aesthetics

IQRA Path was born from the awareness that personal growth can be accompanied by spiritual growth when the increase in knowledge combines with the search for inner expansion that leads us to explore who we really are, our connection with the world and our purpose in life. Spiritual growth is an inner journey, a path that helps us discover deeper meaning and a connection with the divine. It is a constant path because we have never reached the perfect evolution of our being which is rather a state of continuous expansion.

At The Origin

Recognizing or Harmonizing yourself as Life Energy

Understand The Paradigm

Exploring how thought, action, and reality shape paradigms.

Practice at a general level

Practice with insights drawn from your immediate environment.

Practical Part

Changing limiting paradigms with the creation of new paradigns.

Personal Information

Transform theory into practice, then internalize and transcend beyond.

Focus - Practice - Work - Succeed - Focus - Practice - Work - Succeed - Focus - Practice - Work - Succeed - Focus - Practice - Work -Succeed - Focus - Practice - Work - Succeed - Focus - Practice - Work - Succeed - Focus - Practice - Work - Succeed -

Reading and Language: The Bridge Between Thought, Communication,and Reality

Reading isn’t just a pastime; it’s a transformative habit that can profoundly alter your life. Engaging in reading activates various brain regions, enhancing memory, concentration, creativity, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Beyond these benefits, reading helps prevent or delay neurodegenerative diseases, providing a path to mental wellness.

Words and language are fundamental to our existence. Without them, we lose a vital part of our identity. Words are not just spoken but thought and dreamed, forming a mental language essential to human experience. The interplay between words and language shapes our understanding and communication.

At Connecting Table, we explore how reading connects us to our inner selves and fosters significant personal change. Words are vibrations that carry meaning, and language is the higher-order system that allows us to communicate complex ideas. This ability to attribute meaning is crucial for navigating reality and understanding the world around us.

Ultimately, the sign—a blend of acoustic image and concept—is the bridge that links our perception of reality with our ability to share it. By embracing the power of reading and language, we bridge the gap between reality and representation, enriching our lives in profound ways.

Inner Quality Focus

Words themselves aren’t inherently good or bad; rather, they are empowering or disempowering. Their impact depends on the context, influencing whether they direct our energy in a functional or dysfunctional way. The language we use to describe our lives shapes our reality, attracting experiences that resonate with us.

Creating an ideal life starts from within, not from external changes. To enhance our quality of life, we must focus on our inner Essence. Therefore, we’ll concentrate on working from this foundational aspect to truly transform our experience. So read these words: 


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions: Discover How Our Services Enhance Your Inner Essence, Language Skills, and Cognitive Well-Being Through Reading, Empowering Communication, and Self-Improvement Techniques for a More Fulfilling and Transformed Life
How does Connecting Table’s reading program benefit my brain and well-being?
Our reading program is designed to stimulate various brain regions, enhancing memory, concentration, creativity, and problem-solving skills. By engaging in structured reading activities, you also support cognitive health and delay neurodegenerative disease onset.
How can Connecting Table help me use words more effectively?
At Connecting Table, we guide you in harnessing the power of language. We help you understand how words can be either empowering or disempowering, teaching you to use language in ways that align with your goals and positively influence your life.
Why is focusing on my inner Essence important with Connecting Table’s approach?
Our services emphasize that true life transformation starts from within. By working on your inner Essence, Connecting Table helps you align your internal state with your desired outcomes, fostering deeper and more sustainable changes in your life.